Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Dreaming Big

Hello Readers!

Happy fourth of July!

Might I start off by stating that this week hubby and I were joking that next baby needs to be an early spring baby. Not in the middle of a snowstorm, but I can be 7-9 months pregnant in the cold and not in this drastic heat! It's been awful. Even staying indoors is challenging as our AC can only do so much without breaking! It's nice to dream at least, I know baby #2 will happen whenever it's meant to be. It's even a joke that we are thinking about baby #2 yet! (I swear we aren't, just joking it needs to be a winter baby.

Otherwise, I am 34 weeks!! It's INSANE. It's terrifying that baby could come any time now. I know its early still, but in TWO weeks is the mark where they wouldn't try and stop early labor. On June 25th I saw a Reiki therapist ( I highly recommend trying it!) who predicted my baby was coming in 4 weeks (so, like 2.5 weeks from now). We shall see!

My main symptoms have been my 3 ribs are "out of place" according to the chiropractor due to my expanding body and lungs shifting. So all day my upper left back feels numb and tingly and at night its excrutiating pain. But besides that, I am feeling great. Seriously way better than the first and second trimesters. I could honestly do this trimester for the whole nine months instead of go through the 1st and 2nd again.

As for baby, she's in the 73rd percentile! She's about 5 lbs and is very healthy. Going to be a big baby (scared & terrified emoji here please).  One of my favorite parts about pregnancy that I have noticed, especially recently, is that when I am very happy, like when a favorite song comes on, or I am eating a favorite food, or I'm with great company, or whatever, she moves so much. Like she senses my joy and is celebrating it too. Could be a coincidence but I don't think so!

Anyway, this post is about dreams. I have had the most ridiculous dreams in this pregnancy and some are hilarious. I wanted to share and hope you have some laughs too! Please feel free any mamas out there any funny pregnant dreams you remember!

The latest & greatest (last night):
All the sudden we had this ginormous house with like 5 floors and hundreds of rooms. For some reason we had like a crazy amount of kids like 20 or something crazy. So here I am in my dream searching for my husband and I finally found him on one of the upper floors hiding, and he had made a little man cave. So I decided to make my own woman cave too. And he is like, well who is watching the kids? And I was like, I don't know, I'm trying to hide from them! And he is like, "me too!" so then the dogs found us and we were all hiding together and we were telling the dogs not to bark so that the kids couldn't find us!! Hah! What does that mean? Don't have 20 kids I guess...


We went into labour at home, and for some reason that wasn't really a big deal in my dream. We had the baby and it was like a piece of cake like we did this every day. So we put her up in her crib, and we go back downstairs and watch TV for a few hours. Then eventually I am like, do you think I should feed her? And my husband shrugs and is like, probably... So I go to get her from the crib and see she's sleeping with a blanket and I'm like OMG they're not supposed to sleep with blankets! (Great time to start parenting). So I feed her and then I go back downstairs and I ask my husband, "So if she was born this early do you think we should take her to the hospital or anything to get checked?"   I can't even these dreams are cray...

Most of my others are pretty vague and just general concepts. I had one where we were on a long plane ride and I just laid her on the seat next to me (not even a seatbelt lol). I got up to go talk to people and came back and she was just sleeping there, and other passengers were like, do you think you should hold her? And I'm like oh shoot I forgot she was there! Lol.

Then I've had a few vague dreams where I'm supposed to watch someone else's baby and I suddenly realize I have no idea what I'm doing, and If I can't babysit how am I going to be a mom???

Dreams overall are pretty funny and are no reflection of who we really are or how we will really act (god I hope so at least!). I think they highlight our worst and greatest fears but who knows why..maybe to show us that even though we think we are messing up in real life, we know we will never actually be that bad as we let ourselves be in our dreams?

I will likely even add to this post as I dream more, but please comment with your own funny dreams! I'm sure we all have the same themes and plot lines as pregnant women! I've heard other themes like forgetting you have a baby and not attending to it for days, or losing the baby, etc.

Thanks for reading!

The New Motherboard

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