Thursday, November 22, 2018



It's Thanksgiving today! Abby's first Thanksgiving! The season all about giving thanks and reflecting. I used to always write a thanksgiving post on my old blog so I wanted to continue here!

This year more so than any year prior, I have so much to be thankful for, every single day, not just Thanksgiving.

This time last year on Thanksgiving, I woke up to a phone call. We were supposed to be getting ready soon to go to my alma mater's big Thanksgiving day football game, but instead my grandma was calling me- She was in excruciating pain and wanted to go to the ER. So I jumped out of bed, threw on clothes and ate a pop tart in the car on the way there, and I quickly brought my grandma to the ER on Thanksgiving.

Well, ER visits usually always mean hours of waiting. Waiting for results, waiting for answers, waiting to be seen, etc. So this means we had lots of time for talking. The reason I tell you this story is that my grandma and I specifically had a conversation about how sad I was that my husband and I hadn't been able to conceive yet. That we had been trying for 2 years and seeing negative pregnancy test after another was becoming heartbreaking. I wanted so much for my grandma to be able to have a great grandchild. She heard me vent it all out and we talked that day of other options for us. We could adopt, but it was so expensive, the system seemed backwards. We could look into surrogacy or IVF (I *Really* didn't want to explore IVF).  But after talking some options over, we left it at a hopeless shrug and figured we would resume the conversation another time.

Little did I know, that it turns out that at that very moment, I was probably about 2 weeks pregnant!!

We found out the morning of December 11th, 2017, about 2 weeks after Thanksgiving day. I was having random pelvic pains and as I got ready for the morning, I figured I would just take another test like all the others. I honestly was expecting another negative and when I saw the two lines I was speechless. I held it in my hands like an egg and called out my husbands name in shock. He was half asleep still but heard the alarm in my voice. When he saw me looking at the test in my hands, he knew. We embraced in a hug in complete shock and laughed and cried!!!

From that day forward, I was so very thankful. And terrified. Excited. Nervous. Jittery. Hopeful. Happy. Everything!! We were finally pregnant! I was so nervous and didn't want to let myself get too excited, I was so afraid we were going to lose the pregnancy because it took us a few years to get pregnant. I didn't want my heart to break by letting myself get too excited over it. But each day, each week, each month, we made it another and she was born!

Every day with my daughter is a day I cherish. I know I sound corny, as all parents feel this way, but it's true. She makes me smile every single day. Sure some moments are trying and challenging, but it's all a learning experience. Even on the moments that have been hard, she still makes my heart smile. I know she's smart and it's amazing watching her take in information and figure out what to do with what she's learning. She sees us now and smiles, she recognizes us and laughs. So, I am thankful for each day we have had together so far and may God bless an eternity more together.

But that's not all I am thankful for, of course. My husband has been a true savior and an absolutely amazing father. Fatherhood seems to have come completely natural to him, and some of my favorite moments involve just watching them together. It is astonishing seeing the man I spent 6 years with just him and I together, transform into this amazing father. He has truly stepped up to the plate to take care of so much. I can tell he cherishes moments with her when he can just hold her and hug her. He loves to talk to her, read her books, play her music and show her everything he loves.  I know reading parenting forums on the internet can be a dark place full of lots of scary information, but from what I have read from other moms out there in the world, they can't say they are in the same place. Many moms have had the baby's father leave, unknown in the picture, or abuse them or the child, do harmful things, not be present, not be helpful, etc. It's terrible what some people are like out there and each day I wonder how I got so incredibly lucky to find and marry such a man as this that is such an amazing husband and father. I can't wait to keep watching them together!  I am also of course so thankful that my grandmother did get to become a great grandmother after all! Seeing her marvel over Abby when she holds her in her arms is one of life's most wonderful moments.

Of course I am thankful for both of our families and parents. They are all absolutely in heaven that they are all grandparents. I am thankful we can keep Abby out of daycare because my husbands mom has chosen to retire and take on taking care of Abby full time. This is amazing as Abby can spend each day with family that loves her more than anything, I feel better knowing where she is and can check on her anytime and be a part of her daily routine still.

Seeing my own father especially transform into grandfather-hood has also been astonishing to see. Going from my stern father that always knows what to do and is there for all the dad stuff, has become someone totally different when he holds Abby in his arms. The love between them already is undeniable. Just last night together we all had this amazing moment where he was able to make Abby laugh multiple times by having her copy him. It was amazing to watch!

I am thankful for our three pets! After going through the tragic heartbreak of losing a cat way too young to a severe illness, each day I am thankful for the three pets we have, Belle (cat-5), Maui (cat-1) and Daisy (Dog-2). They are INSANE and often times I spend more time wondering why they challenge me more than my newborn daughter, but I still love them. They LOVE Abby and Daisy the dog wants to be near her all the time. Which makes sense, as Daisy always used to lay on my belly when I was pregnant so they got to know each other early.

I am thankful my family is healthy. Each day we can make it through another day healthy is a good day, and I pray we can say this every year.

I am thankful for a beautiful house that keeps us warm and safe in a safe neighborhood.

I am thankful to all my friends and extended family that have offered their help in our new parenthood journey and nothing has gone unnoticed. We love you all and are so thankful.

I am thankful I have a great job that not just pays the bills but excites me and makes me invigorated to help make a difference in the healthcare industry.

I am thankful, most of all, for each day given to us. Call out the corny, go ahead, but truly, parenthood has shown me that each and every day is a treasure and a gift. It could all be taken away in a second, in one moment, and for that I am thankful for each day given to us.

And I am thankful to all of you who choose to read this! Thank you!


The New Motherboard <3

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